zaterdag 31 juli 2010

AIX : Cross realm Kerberos TGT verification does not work


Currently, the AIX Kerberos load module KRB5 cannot handle cross realm Ticket Granting Ticket verification.


Assume the following setup:
- An Active Directory domain ABC.COM which contains all user principals.
- A Kerberos/NAS realm XYZ.COM which contains all service principals, including host service principals.
- Active Directory user foo which is mapped to AIX user foo using the following generic mapping rule in krb5.conf
      auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1@$0](.*@ABC.COM)s/@.*//
- The default Kerberos realm in krb5.conf is XYZ.COM
- The AIX user foo has the following properties:
      - SYSTEM=KRB5, which identifies that the Kerberos load module KRB5 needs to be used for authentication
      - auth_domain=ABC.COM, which identifies that an Active Directory KDC in domain ABC.COM should be contacted for authentication. This information is present in the [realms] section of krb5.conf.

By default, the following Kerberos authentication flow is followed when Active Directory user foo wishes to connect to AIX host

- The KRB5 load module on sends an AS-REQ message to a KDC in Active Directory domain ABC.COM. This is regulated by the auth_domain user attribute of the local AIX user foo to which foo@ABC.COM is mapped using the auth_to_local rule. If auth_domain isn't set, the default realm in krb5.conf is used.
- The Active Directory KDC returns the AS-REQ message to, containing the TGT and TGS session key.
- Now needs to verify that the TGT is genuine by actually using it to see if it can access services locally with it. The idea behind this is that only the "real" KDC would be able to produce a valid service ticket, encrypted with the service's private key. In order to perform this TGT verification, a keytab must be installed on which contains the host/ host service principal. This keytab contains the secret key of the host service principal, only known to the TGS and the service itself.

Apparently, the KRB5 load module sends the TGT verification TGS-REQ message to the Active Directory KDC in ABC.COM instead of to the NAS KDC in XYZ.COM, which contains the service principal. Since the Active Directory KDC does not know the host/ host service principal, it will return KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, resulting in user authentication failure. The problem lies in the fact that the KRB5 Kerberos load module was never designed to handle cross realm authentication properly. Therefore, the TGT verification code does not use the krb5_verify_init_creds() call.


- Disable TGT verification in /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg
           program = /usr/lib/security/KRB5
           program_64 = /usr/lib/security/KRB5_64
           options = authonly,tgt_verify=no

- A DCR was created and accepted for this issue, which should be fixed in AIX 6.1 TL6 and AIX 7.1.
DCR MR082009165 : TGT verification for user defined on a KDC does not work when host principals are defined on a different KDC in a cross realm setup.

Note: Starting AIX 6.1 TL2, the KRB5A and KRB5 load modules have been merged. APAR IZ26224 addresses this.

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